Firebase support

Why we don't support Firebase (yet) and workarounds for you

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

Firebase now supports Google Analytics, but oddly Google Analytics doesn't support Firebase.

Currently, we don't support Firebase Analytics

Below, you'll learn how to access Firebase Analytics, why we don't support it, and workarounds for you until we release support. You can also read a short version of this article as a Twitter thread.

How to enable Google Analytics in Firebase

You can turn on Google Analytics by simply toggling a button when you create a Firebase project.

How Google Analytics appears in Firebase

You can view your Analytics directly in the Firebase Console:

It's also available on the Google Analytics dashboard:

How Firebase apps are represented in Google Analytics

Firebase apps are represented as an App + Web.

Unlike regular properties, Firebase apps don't have a View ID. The View ID is an important and requirement property when requesting report data using the Google Analytics API.

Firebase apps are not listed by Google Analytics Management API

You may have noticed that your Firebase app is not listed in the Arc Analytics project creator.

We use the Google Analytics Management v3 API to fetch the available account summaries. This is the latest API version and it does not return Firebase apps.

This is the same problem that other people have experienced. In googleanalytics/ga-dev-tools#304 a user in 2017 was unable to use Google's explorer to fetch their account and in 2019 it continues to be a problem. One user suggests that BigQuery is required to fetch the data instead of Google Analytics Reporting API.

Firebase apps use Measurement ID instead of Tracking ID

Traditionally, Google Analytics apps use a Tracking ID with an account, property, and view ID. However, Firebase apps (App + Web) appear to use a Measurement ID to identify web data streams.

App + Web properties not supported by Google Analytics mobile

At the top of the help article, there is a warning that App + Web properties (Firebase apps) are not supported by Google Analytics for iOS or Android.

The Firebase API has limited access to Analytics data

The Firebase API can access the app's measurement ID, but it can only use the ID to add or remove analytics from a Firebase app.

Developers around the world want to use the Google Analytics Report API

Around the web, developers are trying to use the Google Reporting API to get Firebase analytics data.

On StackOverflow, a user explains how to export the data to BigQuery as a workaround, another confirms that there is no public API available for App + Web,

Let's talk about workarounds

There appear to be two common workarounds to visualize your data outside of the Firebase dashboard:

  1. Use BigQuery

  2. Use Google Data Studio

1. How to use BigQuery with Firebase App + Web properties

This seems to be the canonical article on how to use BigQuery with Firebase, unfortunately, it only works for upgraded Blaze plans.

There is also an official Firebase article explaining how to use BigQuery.

2. How to use Google Data Studio with Firebase App + Web properties

The official Firebase support document explains how to connect Google Data Studio. It's odd and surprising that even Google Data Studio has access to the private API, but this could mean that it'll be opened to the public eventually.

Google Analytics API Roadmap to support App + Web properties

We will add Firebase app support as soon as we can

We're keeping an eye on the Firebase API and have spoken with Firebase support to be notified when access is available.

Please reach out to us to get notified when we release Firebase support!

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